The Neuro Clinic
Voices of the Clinical Neuropsychology Community
Podcasting since 2021 • 29 episodes
The Neuro Clinic
Latest Episodes
Recallify an AI powered memory Aid
We talk to Sarah Rudebeck and Berkan Sessan about their journey into the development of an App to support memory and learning. We discuss application in rehabilitation and in everyday memory support for all of us.
Season 2
Episode 12

Assessment and Management of Challenging Behaviour with the Melo App
We talk to James Burch from Decently about the development of the Melo app for the assessment and management of challenging behaviour in neurorehabilitation settings. We are joined by James' collaborators Anna Lee and Alistair Teager from Salfo...
Season 2
Episode 11

Professor Oliver Turnbull on Mistakes in Clinical Neuropsychology
Professor Turnbull discusses his popular new book, Mistakes in Clinical Neuropsychology which is co-authored with Rudi Coetzer and Christian Salas
Season 2
Episode 10

Neuropsychology in Ukraine
We talk to Alistair Teager, Nadiia Rechun (Clinical Psychologist), and Marina Myntsykovska (Interpreter) about working neuropsychologically in the context of the war in Ukraine.
Season 2
Episode 9

Tamsin Keyes on Research and Publications within the Charitable Sector
Cliodhna and Ingram talk to Tamsin Keyes, Publications and Research Manager at Headway UK about her work in supporting the development of evidence in the field and promoting an understanding of brain injury.
Season 2
Episode 7